Monday, March 27, 2006


Just liked the pic! :-)

Friday, March 10, 2006


There we were headed to the Tirupathi, Sri Venkateswara Temple... Just the 3 of us... Heading up the hill... No twists or turns could break our bones... As the car swirved up the hill racing to the top...

Finally there we were at the top of the hill... We were told to go to meet someone to collect our Darshan tickets... And so we went finding the place where that man was located... Sure enough we found it... But many twists and turns were in store... We had to turn almost every corner to locate our place... Neverthless we did...

Once getting the Darshan tickets we headed to the main temple and prepared to stand in the line... Apart from the many people there there was something else... Twists... So we walked every corner bringing a new twist...

Once we were closer to the Sanidhi people were pushing and trying to squeeze through... Now came more twists... Twisting yourself in any position possible to get some room to yourself... If at all it was possible... So once again twists all through...

Then we caught a glimpse of Sri Venkateswara and then we were "jaldi'ied" out twisting our backs and our necks every few seconds to see if we could catch a few more rare glimpses... Then our darshan was over...

Back into our car it was back down the hill... Twisting and turning down the roads once again... Finally we all thought the twists had come to an end...

Then comes the line from our driver....
Darshan was excellent... We are very lucky they "DIVORCED" us twice....

SILENCE followed... Followed by a burst of laughter when we finally understood what he meant... Any guesses???

He meant... We got diverged twice (twice they let us in shortcut ways as we got closer to the Sanidhi)... Which is lucky indeed... But not when put like that! ;) So there you go our biggest twist to the Tirupathi trip!


Friday, March 03, 2006

Tides of Time

What is she on about you ask? Well its simple really...Tides of time are really
just depicting life... life is like a wave...

Birth--> A new entity is brought into the world by another entity... It breaks apart from the other like a wave being formed from an ocean... An ocean which provides love and support, surrounding and giving protection from all sides...

Childhood--> The ripples more well guarded by the ocean... The ocean of love... Everything seeming merry and under control not a worry about what lies beyond... Always joyous fun and frolicking... Only little bruises here and there mostly just a gentle ride... Still pure... Only the ocean and nature to direct it...

Teenage years--> Turbulance... Troughs and crests with the amptitude increasing... Intersections from many other waves... Thoughts confused... Impressionable... Many paths to take... Crashing into the rocks or carrying on right up until the shores... The beginning formation of the fully transformed wave... Its peak...

The rest--> Unpredictable... Anything can happen.... Very high highs... Very low lows.... Medium tides... Ripcurls... Riptides... Tsunami... Soft seas... Options unlimited... It may sometimes look like its spiraling out of control but it will get back on track to return to the routine life...

Death--> The waves slowly wash you onto the shore... Ending the journey of life ever being washed by the wave ashore... The residues of the wave that carried you on the journey of life now just mere droplets of memories mixed in with other waves and washed into the sands of time... Surf's over... The soul is gently laid to rest in peace...

***once again back to blogging...very rusty... my thoughts just poured out as ignore any errors and don't get too confused as my thought process is kinda odd...or rather more odd than usual at the moment... ;)***

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