Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Verdict

Recent events had given rise to times which were unfair, times filled with uncertainty plaguing everyone's minds. What was going to happen? Who was the culprit? Whispers spread all around as fast as a wild bush fire.

A sudden hush filled the room. The police had walked in. A sea of anxious faces stood in silence waiting for the judge to talk. Each one with a guilty look on their face. Who was to be blamed?

The crime scene was investigated and the culprit was found. Finally the wait was over, the voice of the judge came bellowing out, “Hands up”. Everyone then stood with shocked expressions and masks of guilt, hesitantly putting their hands up.

Not one hand was clean, all were covered in filthy paint. Just like the walls which were decorated by the suspects, in a myriad of colours. All the little culprits were sentenced by the mother to grab a cloth and clean the walls. Not only that, but they all were sentenced straight to bed for 8-10 hours of solitude.

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