Thursday, March 08, 2007

Meaning - Friendship to guys?!?!?

Friendship is one of the most precious things in life. The best friendships that you have are usually with people of the opposite sex. Just because you are more free and there are no heirs. But what happens when people misunderstand and want to take it further? You loose a lot of your very best friends. I am sure many girls face this problem. I doubt for guys its as bad.

How is it that two people can start out as friends and then one misunderstands or just basically wants things to go further than friendship? And finally not end up talking to that person? It really doesn't make sense. If those people really like the other person so much they should talk to them & be a good friend to them for life. Of course all guys react differently in such situations but this is the basic gist.

Guys there is such a thing as friendship & you really need to start realising that friendship is an important part of life as well as any other serious relationship. Some of my best friends are guys or should I say past best friends. That seems to be the problem. To a girl she doesn't fancy as many guys & mostly when she meets a guy, she is looking for a good friend and nothing else.

So please guys before you fall in "love" with a girl make sure she likes you too and that things can definitely work out!

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