Friday, June 24, 2005



As the title says... This Blog is about the upcoming actor Arya!

Actor Arya has acted and in films "Ullam Ketkume,' and 'Arindhum Ariyamalum,' and is now working on 'Oru Kallooriyin Kadhai,' and next he is to act in 'Kalaabakaadalan.'

Well really I do not have a lot to say about him. Because I do not know him! :(

Although I can say I have seen him in India at a restaurant. I didn't speak to him or anything because I didn't know who he was at that stage. The reason I knew that who we had seen was Arya is because he looked like a model or some familiar face and he was very luckily in the background of one of our pics as he was sitting in the table right behind us! :)

I think he is a software engineer, turned model, turned actor. Of what I saw in Arindhadum Ariyamalum in the trailors he is a great dancer. I watched Ullam Ketkumae and ummm... he dances but all the dancing in that movie is pretty crazy so no comments there! As a slight aside I like the movie Ullam Ketkumae, a very jolly light-hearted film. Made me wish that I was studying in India, no cultural activities between colleges or anything here! :( The songs in it are very lovable as well, as with the songs in AA!

Help me ppl! The picture thing is not working through this! I have to use the picasa thing. I do not know how to use that either! :S! Can someone help me out! Thx in advance!

Blogroll Me!


At 9:33 AM, Blogger Suganya said...

the name aarya caught my attention n i at once started reading this blog :-) very cute this guy is...
saw 'ullam ketkume' recently..:-)

hey along with picasso comes "hello"..i think u might be knowing it...go there, sign in. bogger bot in tat.
ten..."send picture" via explorer..
in the right bottom, once u write some comment ab tur picture, u'll be able to click "publish" ..thz it...
pardon if its too elementary..i told wat i knew...

At 2:04 PM, Blogger vimal said...

Picassa is PIA.
I usually upload the pictures in my server and post in my blog.

At 12:59 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Thx Suganya! I figured tht out but tht it was too long-winded... But now its clarified.

Vimal, for me uploading through my server does not seem to work. No idea why. I'll stick to Hello and Picasso, for now !

At 1:38 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yet another person who thnks Aarya is cute, have to watch ullam ketkume now :)

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Ram said...

he was in my college and batch ;)

At 1:06 AM, Blogger sathish said...

came in thru anjali's blog...
u can upload fotos in and then copy the image location.. in u can go to html mode of the post & add the tag img src=" "

At 10:00 PM, Blogger Sneha Acharya said...

hai .. ur blog title caught me ... even i am fan of Arya .. his casual acting as a rowdy in Arindhum Ariyaamalum si damn cute :-)


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