Monday, October 10, 2005

Befriend an Indian Be Indian!

As scheduled my friend turned up at my door at 5:30pm! This was a reunion after 3 months or so! So it was all good, lots of giggling etc... Heaps of fun! We were scheduled to have a merry Indian Day/Night! So that's exactly what we did. We were going out to dinner at an Indian restaurant and then going to the Garba, but what came before that was rather umm... unexpected!

So my friend came in, I did the usual showing around the house and then it was time to get to the real things! I showed her all the options available for accesssories to go with her dress, she was awed to say the least. She had no idea where to begin (she was aussie, so not much experience when it comes to Indian way of getting ready (throw on whatever in a few seconds)). Anyhow we decided to get some dinner before going to the Garba and dancing the night away! So that's just what we did.

Before leaving home I was on the phone calling the restaurant that we were heading to to make a booking. Meanwhile my friend and my mum were talking! Oh oh, I thought and I was right to think it to!

This is what happened!

Mum: We southies celebrate Navratari this festival by having a thing called Golu, which is a Doll Display basically.

Friend: O i c... cool!

Mum: Yeh, and the northies have Garba which you are going to later. Also us southies have people coming over to their place and singing songs.

Friend: Wow cool.

Mum: Yeh, you look like someone that can sing how about you sing a song!

Friend: Ummm, Ummmm.....

Mum: Don't worry I am not your teacher I am not going to give you any marks or anything.

Friend: Yeh i guess, hmmm... What song can I sing? [quietly] Preethi what song do I sing? HELP! ;)

Mum: Don't ask her she refuses to sing, you be a good girl and sing!

Friend: [after long thought....] But but... What do I sing?

Mum: Hmmm, anything you want... How about... Hmmm Britney Spears or Backstreet Boys (meanwhile I was going bright red... Saying ever so quitely.... “MUM stop it! Those are soooo out of date!” So my mum continues) Ok, if not those how about that girl who sang at the footy I really adore?

Friend and I: Hmmm, who???

Friend: Oh rite you mean Delta Goodrem? Ok, but what song?

Mum: Any, all her songs are really lovely [meanwhile here's me going MUM, enuf! PLEASE! We are getting very very late!]

Friend: Umm I dunno... And then finally after long deliberation... She burst out into a choir song of hers...

Mum: Wow, that was excellent! See I knew you could sing. You have been a very good girl! I will get you something!

Friend: Excitedly said! Cool, AWESOME!

Me: OMG, what is going on here! LOL!

[meanwhile My friend went to get ready so we could go out to dinner]

Mum: Preeth, she sang so well, you should use her as an example! See she sings when I tell her to!

Me: Hmmm ok amma... Whatever you say!

Mum: Seri seri, anyway did you notice the fluctuation of her voice? Gamagam ellam naana vaarum!

Me: LOL! Yeh why don't you start teaching her carnatic music [she teaches carnatic music to others] then?

Mum: Why not, you can ask her! If my daughters don't learn from me at least their friends can! See what a good girl she is. She sings when told & she can sing very well and she's going to be dancing as well, without anyone requesting her to!

Me: Lol, ok mum! You can teach her singing if you want... and IF she wants... Ummm anyway we are getting really late! Come on ..."Friends Name".... Let's go quickly we are running late for dinner [meaning: hmmm let's get out before you are asked to sing any more songs or before I am accused of not singing any songs! ]

So then we went and had dinner, laughed about this incident a lot and then ran late, went to the garba, went and played pool with friends & came back home very very late! Boy what a night! Haven't laughed soo much in ages!

Blogroll Me!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

You've got Mail!

Sitting at uni, nothing much to do that is interesting so I decide to check my mail one by one, personal accounts and then I decide to check my uni mail to see if there is any useful & important information.

So I log in and find there are four mails waiting to be opened, new fresh and ready to be read. I read them and what do I find out? Hmm they are useful, but not for me. First is one was saying that someone lost a,

“Pink pencil case, with a fluffy ball on the zip”

I read this and think that it would have been better lost. YUK! Reminds me of legally blonde the movie, so since when was Reese Witherspoon in town or even since when was she studying at my uni?

So that was that, the first mail was read and immediately deleted! The second one opens and it is to inform those that are finishing this year about graduation procedures. What are they trying to do to me? There are a few years before I graduate and already I’m just waiting for that day to come. Are they trying to rub it in? Grrr! I know I have a while and this year is not the year for me to graduate! Can’t they just send it to the graduating people? So once again this mail was deleting quickly and efficiently.

Mail number three, this was to say that the uni mail server would be down between 6 & 7 this Sunday. Hmmm useful information if you were sooo desperate to check a uni mail that you rarely do between the limited hours of 6 & 7. How pathetic. It gave big warning to all staff and students not to panic if they could not log onto their accounts within that time. Meh, big deal!

I rarely check it once in a week, so why would I want to check it within those hours and if that was the hour I decided to check it for the week I would not have known about it anyway. So enough fuss! Also they have a huge notice in the log-in page that such an event is likely to occur at whatever time it may be. So why waste an e-mail on us and also why clutter our already cluttered mail boxes? Grrr!

Mail number 4 lucky last! I was hoping this was something that would not make me annoyed. Well it went of ok. It was a very important mail according to many of my friends. I opened it and my jaw dropped. Boy was it sooo not important!

If there ever was a scene or fuss made it would have to have been for this! The highlights of the mail are as follows!

Commerce Pub Crawl coming soon on … (shows how well I read it) October
  • Grab your commerce shirts and show your appreciation for the faculty
  • Not only that but also make avail of the special drink discounts negotiated for everyone wearing a very trendy (yeah right who are they kidding) commerce T-shirt!
  • Limited shirts available only 5 billion left (always have more than is needed, of course this is a slight exxageration)
  • Get it quickly they will be on sale ONLY from now until the very last minute before the event (exaggeration once again but close to the mark)
  • Thanks for those who supported us at the last event it was good to see soo many people there for such a worthy cause (what worthy cause? Am I missing something here?
  • Hope to see many of you there this time as well!

Ok well important or not? I get waaay more important mails in my inbox. Job offers, mails from family/friends/kings (hehehe don’t ask PJ) ;) lol… I’m thinking about abandoning the uni mail but I guess sometime there might be something useful, perhaps I will get the same mail before I graduate and I can then smile happily! Hmmm, all there is to do is wait!

BTW: AR Rahman reviews, there are more to come, but for now I’m just giving a sorta umm… interval should I say! LOL! Please bare with me! Some technical difficulties have arisen and until they are fixed the reviews cannot be published! Sorry for the delay!

Blogroll Me!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Who am I?

Here is an idea inspired by Random Access... Its just a small guessing game... So here goes...

There are many of you that have been reading my blogs and I thank you for that! So I am going to give a couple of small questions to you all to see how well you think you MIGHT know me! Those who know me cannot answer the questions but can feel free to write their smart-alac comments!

1) How old am I?

2) Was I born in aus if not how long have I lived here?

3) What is something that is MOST important to me (there are 3 top choices)?

4) Any guesses about how I look? (lol, this should be rather hilarious)

5) What is a near accurate description of my personality?

[you should be able to roughly say the answers to (3)&(5), but as for the rest make your most wild, educated & instinctive guesses! :)]

Blogroll Me!