Thursday, October 06, 2005

You've got Mail!

Sitting at uni, nothing much to do that is interesting so I decide to check my mail one by one, personal accounts and then I decide to check my uni mail to see if there is any useful & important information.

So I log in and find there are four mails waiting to be opened, new fresh and ready to be read. I read them and what do I find out? Hmm they are useful, but not for me. First is one was saying that someone lost a,

“Pink pencil case, with a fluffy ball on the zip”

I read this and think that it would have been better lost. YUK! Reminds me of legally blonde the movie, so since when was Reese Witherspoon in town or even since when was she studying at my uni?

So that was that, the first mail was read and immediately deleted! The second one opens and it is to inform those that are finishing this year about graduation procedures. What are they trying to do to me? There are a few years before I graduate and already I’m just waiting for that day to come. Are they trying to rub it in? Grrr! I know I have a while and this year is not the year for me to graduate! Can’t they just send it to the graduating people? So once again this mail was deleting quickly and efficiently.

Mail number three, this was to say that the uni mail server would be down between 6 & 7 this Sunday. Hmmm useful information if you were sooo desperate to check a uni mail that you rarely do between the limited hours of 6 & 7. How pathetic. It gave big warning to all staff and students not to panic if they could not log onto their accounts within that time. Meh, big deal!

I rarely check it once in a week, so why would I want to check it within those hours and if that was the hour I decided to check it for the week I would not have known about it anyway. So enough fuss! Also they have a huge notice in the log-in page that such an event is likely to occur at whatever time it may be. So why waste an e-mail on us and also why clutter our already cluttered mail boxes? Grrr!

Mail number 4 lucky last! I was hoping this was something that would not make me annoyed. Well it went of ok. It was a very important mail according to many of my friends. I opened it and my jaw dropped. Boy was it sooo not important!

If there ever was a scene or fuss made it would have to have been for this! The highlights of the mail are as follows!

Commerce Pub Crawl coming soon on … (shows how well I read it) October
  • Grab your commerce shirts and show your appreciation for the faculty
  • Not only that but also make avail of the special drink discounts negotiated for everyone wearing a very trendy (yeah right who are they kidding) commerce T-shirt!
  • Limited shirts available only 5 billion left (always have more than is needed, of course this is a slight exxageration)
  • Get it quickly they will be on sale ONLY from now until the very last minute before the event (exaggeration once again but close to the mark)
  • Thanks for those who supported us at the last event it was good to see soo many people there for such a worthy cause (what worthy cause? Am I missing something here?
  • Hope to see many of you there this time as well!

Ok well important or not? I get waaay more important mails in my inbox. Job offers, mails from family/friends/kings (hehehe don’t ask PJ) ;) lol… I’m thinking about abandoning the uni mail but I guess sometime there might be something useful, perhaps I will get the same mail before I graduate and I can then smile happily! Hmmm, all there is to do is wait!

BTW: AR Rahman reviews, there are more to come, but for now I’m just giving a sorta umm… interval should I say! LOL! Please bare with me! Some technical difficulties have arisen and until they are fixed the reviews cannot be published! Sorry for the delay!

Blogroll Me!


At 8:57 PM, Blogger Bharath Sattanathan said...

hey preeth's,

be happy u get only four unwanted mails in a day....hehehe

Get sambharred!!!
Filtered by sambhar....

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Woodooz said...

80% of internet mails today are categorized as spam... and considering you had just 4 mails in your inbox, you should be lot happier...

In my official inbox, I get close to 300 mails a day. 150 of them are filtered and moved automatically to a different folder. Close to 100 would be mailer daemon bounce backs. Of the rest 50 there would be just 4 that would need my attention.

Tell me what should I do ? :o(((( Am sure there are ppl in worse situations....

At 12:23 AM, Blogger Ram said...!!! And on top of it, plural!! :O Sad PJ indeed ;)

Keep em coming lady!

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

Hi Preethi

your post is very time pass for 4 minutes. I will simple delete the uni mails, some times it will carry vires with him.

At 6:55 AM, Blogger Siddharth said...

hey..i was between jobs and registered at and was bombarded with a lot of irrelavant i know how it feels!speaking of talaivar ilayaraaja is doing a concert here on oct it is my turn 2 go gaga soon!

At 9:05 AM, Blogger ada-paavi!!!! said...

be happy u got only 4 spam mails. i closed down a yahoo id cause of spam problem (not tat i really liked tat id)

At 4:47 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

You neednt include blog spam though :P:P:P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Jinguchakka said...

Thank God that you've not been spammed more. And the comments for the post below make good reading!

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Chez said...

Well this reply is quite late. Out of curiosity I worked on ur blog for almost 3 to 4 hrs to answer ur questions almost 5 days back. When i opened the Quicknote in Firefox today, only then, i remembered I didnt post it on ur blog. So, here it is. The answers to the questions from ur last post.

Okay. Where shall we start???

Let us start with the time tested hypothesis method.
Let us assume ur age to be out of the range 15 - 45 i.e ur age is less than 15 or more than 45.
Very simply, U need to stay in homestay, if u r a overseas student and less than 18.
And, you've said that you went for a summer break and also that you've had a first hand experience of Tsunami in Tamil Nadu. I guess that summer break when you went home was dec 2004 and that you've been in australia much before that. that means as of now you are in australia for a min of 15 months.

Statistically, the probabilities of u being single (Which i assume from the post where you say 'Something I won't have to be worrying about for a fair few years...' and also a student at 45 is very very less.
So, most probably, you should be between 18 and 30. I guess it should be between 18 to 25 (after removing the second half of the twenties)
That narrows down ur age between those 7 years. We'll come to this later.

This is a quote from ur very first post...
"Virtually doing a three degree program... Business... Accounting... Information Technology..." I guess u should be doing either a dual degree program or a Bachelor in Business while specialising in information technology. You also speak of ducks I guess, you are doing business information technology, most probably at Uni of new south wales. Again, it may be taken as a wild guess, cos, even though i managed an blurred emblem from one of ur photos, the best i could match it is with this univ. and it has one course which you say u r doin, combining business and information technology. It is a bachelors course. and therefore you must be from 18 to 22. I guess u finished ur schooling in Tamil Nadu.

In ur fight with Vimal You've said, "This is the way aussies say 'yoghurt'" it usually takes time to understand the dialects, land and the way people behave. You could not hve been here for less than 6 months for sure.

You are a sagittarius. that means ur DOB is in Nov/dec. Say u were born in nov 85. by june 89, u'd have been 3 and half yrs and would have started school late. after 14 years of schooling. In may 2003 u finished schooling at 17 and half yrs. u may have come to australia in feb 2004 when u had jus turned 18, 3 months earlier. students usually wouldnt go back to india jus after their first semester. Unless u havent gone before ur second semester, the nov/dec 04 trip should have been ur summer break. with you having stayed in australia for the previous, say 10 months. u went for a break, came back and now it is oct 05. so u must have been here for at least four semesters as of now. And if all my calculations are right, you should be 20 this nov/dec. You are just nearing ur 20 years.

the third question is very easy... things u like to do a lot. Music. people listen to music, but they dont sing, unless they are very much into it. So, music is one of ur favourite things. Next comes photography. Photography isnt just clicking photos. photography is an abstract thing. It is the essence of how we see things that shows off our interest. eg of ur interest in photography... here, here, here, here and here.

Thirdly, i think u like books a lot. Books are a symbol of yearning to learn always. Given the right assumption of ur age to be below 20, ur posts show a high IQ for the age. Usually physical growth of women is more faster than their, mental ablility in teens. Ur IQ is higher than normal considering ur thoughts u have exhibited in ur posts. Ur posts dwell upon a lot number of abstract ideas, and are more analytical like here, and here.

Okay. the fourth question is the toughest. Looks deceive. I cant say if u look sweet, cute or look like a dumb fat duck! :-) Based on ur age, i guess u r not very tall like me. I'm 1'6''. May be u should be 1'4'' or 1'5''. And based on ur IQ, ur posts and ur thoughts, I guess u are person who is concerned about looks. I don say that u look into the mirror every now and then. But, u know what is like to look good. Beauty comes out and radiates from the inner self. the more you want to look good yet not overdone, i think u'd look good. May be the average, normal slim girl. But then, as i said, I'm not sure either. Its jus my analysis. What people think, say or write is usually based on their something they come across in their life. This is based on ur 'Anorexic' story. So, I'm strongly against u being a very plump person, unless u eat heavily and put on weight from now on, just to contradict this. :-)

I think, I've said a lot about ur personality even before i start answering ur last question. You are a fun loving, easy going person. You do think a lot. You look for alternatives. u usually think, there may be yet another way of doin things. I do not know if u r emotional. But people who think a lot, wouldnt be emotional. they'll be rational. So, u may be rational. Above all, let me put it this way, what we see is not what you are. What we see is only a part of you are. Also, in more than one occasions you say that the particular post is right from the mind into the keyboard. U differentiate which to post and which shouldnt be. you think a lot on what should come off ur mind as words... you are usually careful what to say to people and what shouldnt be said, unlike some people who find themselves silly for speaking right from the heart. There are different types of people. Some people say things straight from the heart. Some people thing before what to let others know of. You are the second type.
Here's again a quote of urs.

Perhaps my attachment towards humans in general has grown and so I feel more for them... If that makes sense... I just want everyone to be happy! Hopefully the happiness and sadness everyone experiences is in equillibrium!

Thats it. lets see how much of my thoughts about u are right. At least it helped me take some time off my strangling assignment work and dive into my fav field of psychology. Thanks to u. :-)

At 1:33 AM, Blogger Chez said...

BTW, Preethi, I moved on to a new URL, at f(life). Update ur links. Seeya. Cheers.


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