Saturday, June 25, 2005

Nature's nature.

The rider could see his destination now down in the valley. On the run, he rode harder and harder. Someone has spotted and recognised him. The gates of the heavily deafened and walled farm yard swung open slowly. In front of him there was a myriad of images. They were all scowling at him. He did not know what was happening. Suddenly he fell of his horse and crashed into the ground with a tremendous thud.

He lay their looking at the sky with unsuspecting eyes. The skies around him suddenly darkened. All of a sudden he heard a thunderous roar. It was as if there was a stampede headed right for him. Fear gripped him. As he lay there in silence listening to everything happening around him he saw it. There it was the humungous hands of lightening were reaching towards him, each time getting closer and closer.

That is when he realised that he should have never done that. The universe was now taking its toll. He just knew it, it wanted to grab him and hurl him millions of light years away. He lay on the ground, his heart screaming with fear; he closed his eyes and silently begged for mercy.

That’s when he saw it. There was a narrow beam of light shining through the pitch black skies. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He knew that if he was given a second chance he could do it and do it correctly. That’s when the skies opened up and he felt a warm sensation grow within his heart. Never again did he meddle with nature's gifts.

Short story, written a couple of yrs ago... Felt like adding something so I did... Plz give feedback... Some ppl didn't understand the meaning behind this... So let me knw all ur interpretations... I think it is pretty self explanatory...

Blogroll Me!

p.s Got the picture working. But it took many steps... I think there should be a much easier way... Also it got pixelated :(! Doesn't compliment its beauty... Oh well...


At 7:57 AM, Blogger Anjali said...

wow!beautiful story need of the hour,.When everywhere there is caref or anture.All thigns bright and beautiful,all creatures great and small,all things wise and wonderful.Lord god made them all.nice one.Thz for comign to my blog.I ahve blog rolled you.I'll be regular.

At 8:37 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Thx! I'll def. be a regular to urs as well! Ur the one tht inspired me to put a story!
How does blogRolling work? I am new to all this... Does it automatically add the person's link in ur blog? Sooo confused...

At 8:50 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Got the blogrolling working!

At 7:05 AM, Blogger Chez said...

Well, here's one guy who eeds to be enlightened abt ur story.. i got hold of the narration.. it was simply superb.. but i couldnt get hold of the theme.. i.e i cudnt get what exactly the story was abt.. was it abt mishandling a horse??

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Suganya said...

even i dint get the theme preethi...will u enlighten us???


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