Monday, August 29, 2005

Hectic Life?

I have not been writing as life for the past few days has been extremely hectic. When I stop and look at it... I cannot think of what I have been doing that is making life sooo hectic... Also in my daily activities I have been bumping into several people that I have not seen for a while, which is awesome. We would have the 5 minute talks, as we would both be rushing off somewhere.

This is typical of the "5 mins" conversation:

Person1: Hey how are you? Haven't seen you for ages.
Person2: Yeah I know. I am good how have you been? We should catch up sometime.
Person1: Yeah totally. So what's new with you?
Person2:Nothing much, just been really busy off late. What's new with you?
Person1: Yeah same here been really busy. Have you had the chance to catch up with anyone from [wherever you know them from (e.g school)]
Person2: Not really I see these people, but yeah..
Person1: I haven't caught up with many either just these people...
Person2 & Person1: [usually at the same time] Anyway really nice seeing you, I better head off I'm running late. Take care, we should definitely catch up soon.

That's the whole conversation. When it happens over and over again it gets very very tedious. With some people despite not having seen them for years you would have nothing to say. How is it that happens? Yet with close friends there is always something to say and you can spend hours talking about things. I guess where you meet them and all is part of it. But this is what tends to happen.

Anyway getting back to having a hectic life. Life has been very hectic. But I don't know why. I do have many things to do, but neverthless it is not like I cannot cope with it. Since life is hectic how come there is nothing to say when people ask how things are going? Are the things I am doing boring? Yeah I guess so. Although the excitment comes and goes, it is shortlived and the mundane daily routine which happens to change day to day sets in. I guess also thinking about the things that are pending makes life seem rather hectic as they are things that are not done yet and to be done, even if they are not completed it seems like it is hectic even when it is time to procrastinate.

Anyway overall life is hectic but somewhat satisfying. Nothing much to grumble about, all is well. I guess the boredom sorta comes with taking everyday as it comes, I make the most of everyday and don't really reflect on what happened in that day. Perhaps thats whats been happening. Perhaps writing a diary would liven things up. Or even just writing what I have to look forward to that's coming up soon.

Ok here's the first thing and one of the main things that I am looking forward to: AR Rahman Concert 3D Spectacular Live in Sydney, 17th September. Cannot wait... It should be awesome hopefully. Although now Shankar Mahadevan is not coming to the Sydney Concert (he's going to Melbourne though), he is going to be replaced by Unni Menon, who I am not really that big a fan of. Oh well... Hopefully the rest will be awesome! I keep thinking about that and thinking, oh well at least soon I will have something to talk about. :)

Hehehe, this mail was just my thoughts punched straight onto the keyboard yet again. Not in any real order but for the order of thoughts that occured in my head in the few minutes I took to type it. Hope it is somewhat relevant to the topic heading and a tiny bit interesting :S... lol! The picture that I have put in this post seems to be somewhat relevant according to me. I tried putting another pic as well but it didn't work, but here's one for you to see!

Like this tree I seem to be just standing here, things around are happening so fast and its all kind of a blur! [This pic was taken with the mobile phone when I was in the car]

Blogroll Me!


At 6:45 AM, Blogger vimal said...

[This pic was taken with the mobile phone when I was in the car]

So at last you broke the digital camera you had.
I was about to thank God, and now you have a camera in your phone. huh.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

Nice post. Im in sorta the same situation and agree with some of ur analysis. However, we also have the intention not to bore ppl with what we do everyday. Hectic is one thing, detailing the hectic is another...With 5 mins on hand, I guess its too much of a detail.

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 11:38 AM, Blogger Akanksha Chaudhary said...

pic is nice dear...
I like A.R rehman too...
lovely blog...'
thanks for visiting mine..keep coming...

At 5:58 PM, Blogger ada-paavi!!!! said...

aah those highly tiresome and tedious conversations, i have them so often thats gotten really unbearable oflate

At 6:26 PM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Vimal: lol... u knw the answer to tht...
Random Access:THx, very true, however there are exciting things and even those seem to be forgotten in the 5 min rush..
Akanksha: thanks, will keep visiting urs, feel free to do the same...
Vatsan: Yeh I know exactly how it is.. Its the same for me...

At 9:24 PM, Blogger lavanya said...

nice seems that many in this world have this kinda situations around coz of lack of time...when will this change??? it makes me wonder???

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Random Access said...

I think it might go like this in the near future:

Person 1: Hey, long time no c
Person 2: Yeah
Person 1: This is my blog http://blah1
Person 2: This is my blog
Person 1: Nice catchin up with u
Person 2: Me too, bye.

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!


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