Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Everything seems to be spinning out of control whilst still being within my grasp. Things that once seemed near seem as far as the stars, unreachable, unattainable, just out of reach. Glimpses of light appear and reappear every now and then, nothing remaining consistent. Everything seeming like a blur, unclear and too fast to grasp. Confusion the only thought prevailing.

With all this it feels like my head is aching a soft silent pain. A struggle, a battle all occuring within, truly uncomprahendable. Walking with my head lifted up to the sky seems impossible, too many thoughts seems to be within, making it heavy, burdened with worries. What are these worries? I do not know... What are these thoughts? I am yet to figure out... Why these feelings? If only I knew...

A cloud of thoughts seem to be constantly brewing, making my clarity of thought close to nothing. Pained, is what I feel. What happened to the mood I was recently in? It seemed as if nothing could get me down. But something ununderstandable, there is no reason for me to feel this way. I have all of life's necessities, there is nothing more I need. Is it the problems that others face? That is the only answer I can think of.

Why should that bother me? As rude as it sounds it is true. I have felt sorry for people before due to unfortunate happenings, but never have been deeply affected by it. I do not think that even after a tragedy in my life occured I have felt this constrained or restricted. Thoughts seem to be evil, I feel trapped within them. Off late sad happenings or occurances in other people's lives have seemed to significantly affect me.

Its not just issues like poverty but for some reason even things such as people's seperation and losses from the seperation have gotten me down. What is happening? Not even seeing the tsunami and having a first hand experience before, during and after the tsunami had such an effect on me. So why now? Why this new fond bond with people I do not even know or barely know? Even after reading something that happened to someone I do not even know I felt extremely upset for them. I felt as if the loss had occured to me.

I am definitely no martyr and do not wish to live life like that. The worst thing is that all I can do is feel upset for the person as they would feel upset or perhaps worse. I cannot do anything to make them feel better, in no way am I able to help them. Then why this sadness? Is it doing them any good? Is it doing me any good? Does it reduce their burden? Does it reduce my burden? What instignated this? WHAT IS HAPPENING?

I love to listen to people and help them sort their problems. I have been able to do that my whole life, without fully getting involved with their problems. Now I do not seem to be able to help them and feel as helpless as they would feel. This has not happened with just one persons story but off late it has happened with several people's real life stories. I no longer seem to be able to bask in my own happiness or the happiness of others around me. Darkness and fear have seemed to engulf me.

I feel like I am being absorbed into a world full of darkness. Fear seems to be creeping up very inch of my body every second of the day. What exactly is the cause for this fear? Is it that something is going to happen in my life that will make my life turn around for the worse? I have just been able to overcome many ill fortunes that life has thrown at me and now is it going to happen all over again? I surely hope not.

I am sorry if this put any of you that are reading it in a sad mood, but I just thought perhaps I should spill my thoughts out so that I would feel better. Am I just too scared of everything these days? Have experiences finally become a realisation? Even the socialite in me seems to be dying, of course there seems to be light every now and then, but this is very short lived.

I feel like I am being hurled down fast into a dark tunnel with no way of returning. The only way that I can get out of this seems to be if someone pulls me out of it... Who will give me this helping hand? Or perhaps what is it that will pull me out of this warp? It doesnt require a miracle, but what exactly is required? The thing that keeps me going are my friends and family, I want to achieve something. Perhaps I am doing what I truly want... Yet I do seem to be enjoying things more than usual... It is the light that is flickering, something needs to be done to leave it ever burning and burning brightly... But what?

Phew... It feels like I have just found a hand to pull me up, I can see it in the distance. All that is left is for me to wait for it to reach me and pull me out. Anyone know why I am feeling like this? What is happening? I seem to still be living life one day at a time and as well as I can, but there is some small satisfaction I am missing out on. All that is left to say before I sign of is, I am in a tornado, tsunami or whirlpool of confusion. Any psychologists around? What brewed these new confusions in my seemingly calm sea?

Keep smiling all!

Blogroll Me!


At 6:14 AM, Blogger Chez said...

Hai Preethi,

I think i shud copyright posts like this! U r just like me.. or ur posts are jus like mine.. :-)

My take... be cool. don take it in all at a time. take ur time off. jus don do anything. I mean anything..! Sleep.. wake up... take a bath... eat.. sleep.. wake up... dont think... (of anything!) for some time... u'll do fine.

still feeling bad..? u've got a psychologist next door.. mail me if u wish, to... anandh dot frendz at gmail dot com... ok?? :-)

At 6:21 AM, Blogger museful said...

hey.....thx for ur comments ...beautifully matter what happens always be calm.........and take a break and have some down time.....don't let anything get u!!!

At 7:25 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

i am calm, but starting to panic about what this something or nothing is doing to me. I have no idea. I try not to let anything get to me but something has. Haha Anand, the last few mails I have checked of urs have been about Harry Potter, lol, if I start writing about that then you should perhaps copyright ur stuff! LOL! Thx... Will mail u if situations get a tad out of hand. Not thinking is impossible, every second of the day I spend thinking. I guess we have a lot in common hey Anandh? ;)! Thx.

At 1:03 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

There are very few fully realistic people.. Life is full of glory and gory. Cant help it. Juz take as it comes. Thats not a fault in u, but the saggi in u whoz juz the way u were meant to be :) Its all about being what u r. If u start worrying abt things in this world, u wont finish, just like if a queue of chinese people walk past u, the queue will never end. Life is a cycle, of birth and death, sadness and joy, struggle and satisfaction. Juz going thru it is a penance, according to Maharishi Random Access!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 11:34 AM, Blogger Prasoon said...

U r just like everybody else.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Prasoon said...

U r just like everybody else.

At 3:04 PM, Blogger Siddharth said...

all of us go through these periods...maybe u have become more sensitive 2 ppl's suffering and pain...u may like thomas hardy's far from the madding is just the book 4 the mood ur in...and it ends on an optimistic note :) shaam says in ullam kekume...the small losses and sadness in our life actually make us value joy and life itself better!!!

At 4:24 PM, Blogger Krish said...

Preethi, I blogrolled you :-)

At 11:25 PM, Blogger krishna said...

Hi Preethi,

I guess u shuld stop worrying about things that are happening around u, coz neither u not any average human can stop things that are bound to happen..I am not sure if u still remember that in this life of ours , as average humans, we are bound to experience both sadness and happiness. The prescription to this as given by stages is to see goodness in everything evil...Sounds baffling??

yeah..thats really tough but it is possible's a gradual process. but as of now..just to offer u a helping hand .. I wud ask u to try to forget the ego in u..just think that everything's happening for a reason..make sure that u do the right things and stop worrying about other people. Who are you (we) to decide upon other peoples lives..Our potentials are limited. Even these thoughts of mine might not turn out to be helpful..but acting according to the Gita..I just wrote wat i wanted to do and i dont relly expect anything from this...

thats the end of a sharp detour into philosophy..:)

At 3:20 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Just going with the flow I guess. I do not try to meddle in people's lives and decide other people's lives. Only the person involved can do that. All that we can do is guide I guess, as friends. Thx for all ur thoughts. I guess its a phase, one that I have never experienced before. I will see how it goes and how it will seize. Life is a roller coaster, we have to just try to enjoy the ride no matter what ups and downs it throws at us. I will keep positive and try not to let things get me down.
Perhaps my attachment towards humans in general has grown and so I feel more for them... If that makes sense... I just want everyone to be happy! Hopefully the happiness and sadness everyone experiences is in equillibrium! Take care & keep smiling everyone!

At 3:20 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

btw thx everyone!

At 5:45 AM, Blogger vimal said...

This is so funny.


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