Thursday, September 08, 2005

Bright and Sun shiny Day!

Today... I went to uni... Attended a few hours of classes (all that were required) and then caught up with a couple of friends... We went and sat near the river to enjoy the weather... It was a bright day, with the sun shining... It was hot... Which was horrible... But neverthless occasionally there were a couple of cool breezez which were very welcoming and refreshing... So we sat near the river, watching the ducks swim by, the fish ocasionally jumping out of the water and making a huge splash, other birds flying by and always on the lookout for any menacing swans nearby... All in all a very pleasant way to spend the arvo and a great way to catch up with friends... ***SIGH*** Oh yeh did I forget to mention I went slightly photo crazy ;)... And yes it was with my mobile phone... :P
The tree below which we were sitting... No enlightenment tho... ;)

Same tree through my water bottle... lol...

The river and my uni across the river... What am I doing on this side of the river in that case you ask... ;)... Enjoying the scenery... During my free time... :P

Just thought I'd try a different angle... Look at the blue sky! :D

Yucky river... But lovely grass... Hmmm where did the ducks go? I could've sworn they were in this pic...

Typical aussie tree and the clouds scattered through the sky...

Different but still typical tree and a different area of sky but the same sorts of clouds...

Blogroll Me!


At 4:08 AM, Blogger Jagan said...

everyone is putting up snaps of their colls ah ...nice pics ..nice campus ..but i think ur mobile phone is the best ..can i borrow it ?

At 4:44 AM, Blogger IBH said...

LOL at Jagan's comment :) can we borrow it?:)

nice pics btw...

At 4:46 AM, Blogger Harish said...

So when are u joining the likes of Sharad Haksar?

At 5:42 AM, Blogger Priya said...

i also want to borrow it!!! mummy!!!!! me too me too!!


At 7:17 AM, Blogger Jinguchakka said...

By the river!! Ducks!! Fish!! Oh My! You live in a Wordsworthian world, Aren't you?

At 8:35 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

sooperu... now thts an univ...talkin of yucky river, wished i had captured mine...but i dint want my camera to shout chinese slang swear words at me. I cudnt have even responded :(

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 8:50 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

jagan: thx... hmm borrow my fone... po ya po... esp after wht u said... :P... no torture for my frnds ok... the least i can do is spare them.. ;)

IBH: hmmm... now i'm thinking of renting it for a very high price...still want it???

harish: i would love to... if only... ***sigh*** i guess only in my dreams... and those wld probably also be his pics... lol...

priya: lol... its a sony ericsson.. tht might help u asking ur mummy... ;)

jinguchakka: if thts wht u call it ok.. but trust me it exists... and it aint all that...

RA: lol... this is yuky but i guess u can't see it... i'll take one and show u how yukky it is for sure... we'll see who wins... ;)

At 9:22 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

Nice photos

After seeing your campus, I imagine our Chennai medical collage near the Buckingham (kuvam) river. When will our medical collage, change, like your campus? :)

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Kartik said...

You have a very unique way of taking photos.

I just went thru all ur blogs today. just the titles..haha.will read them eventually.

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Directhit said...

nice pics... am abt to grab a digi cam .. eagerly waiting for the moment ;-) these kinda snaps make me yearn more...

At 7:06 PM, Blogger vimal said...

So do enlightened people see everything through water bottle?

Don't tell me u took these pics in your mobile. There is no way you will get a picture of this quality in your mobile. Chumma kaathula poo suthatha.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger Random Access said...

Izit water bottle or thanni bottle? Ivlo blur a theriyardhu? Anywayz, ensoy urself. I guess my nokia 6600 is sharper quality, though the resolution is lesser. 910i? Clickify! And regarding the challenge, I wud love to prove u wrong, but I am kinda a tiny weeny bit lazy u c :P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 7:15 PM, Blogger ada-paavi!!!! said...

nice snaps, i liked de first one
seems like ppl got ore atachement to their colls now,
which univ is this?

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Vinesh said...

Such brilliant shots with a mobile phone!

What model is it?

At 8:44 PM, Blogger Cogito said...

Good pics..Not bad for a mobile phone camera !

At 9:15 PM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

jeevan: thx, lol... where there's a will there's a way... ur blog entry showed it... garbage dump into a flower garden... anythings possible... :D

kartik: lol, thru all of them... cool.. keep it up! :D... thx for coming along... unique in a good way or bad.. lol.. i was just really clicking the phone at different angles... hehehe

anoop s: ah yeh... the fun of photography... reali gr8 stuff...

vimal: this time it is the mobile phone... believe me!

RA: hmmm too lazy..:P... i win by default then... and now tht i've won i think its safe to say, if we went ahead with it you would have won... :P

vatsan: attachment to my uni.. lol... there's a joke if i ever heard one... i don't even think the name is worthy of being mentioned... lol...

vinesh: thx... its a sony ericcson... not sure abt the model... its a flip phone.. Z800i I think.. not 100% sure.. will find out and let u knw if u want further clarification tho...

cogito: thx!

At 2:12 AM, Blogger Prakash said...

cool pics and place...
No wonder i did not come out with flying colours from my UNi...bcos we did not have these nice places to spend our spare time...
Nice one..

At 3:57 AM, Blogger vimal said...

Believe you !
Don't even think about it :)


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