Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Comment Conversation

This is something that I thought I would share with you all. Also I thought it would be hilarious if there was input from others apart from Vimal and I, who actually had this argument. Ok well you can click THIS or you can read the whole thing below, once again all this is from one of Vimal's blogs, called Isles.

To see it as it was on his blog click here

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lastnight Dixita, Abhishek, and a friend of theirs and I went to Byrd theater to see 'Mr. & Mrs. Smith'.I thought the movie will be an ok action movie.But to my disappointment it turned out to be stupid action movie. In the end, the movie reminded me of another movie 'Desperado'.We had earlier decided to go to a restaurant for dinner after the movie. But one person in the group(no name) broke the deal. Now Iam also going to break a deal that I had made earlier with that person.Yesterday was also my first day as a vegetarian. Now I don't know if milk, yogurt, and egg are considered vegetarian. But I will consider them as vegetarian until unless I feel otherwise.
posted by vimal
9:36 AM

Preethi said...
when have you ever listened or kept a deal with anyone else... lol... why the decision to become veggo???? if you are vegan you cannot have milk, yoghurt, egg etc... ur still a vegetarian if you take those things...
9:52 AM
vimal said...
Hey I honored my end of the deal that we had between us , but you haven't. This just re-iterates a well know fact 'NEVER EVER trust a girl'. I should put this in my bedroom so I wake up reading this every morning.So vegan is different from vegetarian. hmm... I see.For now I will be vegetarian & let me see how it goes.And Ms. Preethi, its not 'Yoghurt' ok, it's 'Yogurt'.Yoghurt..hahahaha.Yoghurt....hahahah that's so silly.
10:52 AM
Preethi said...
yeh rite u did... dont lie to make urself look beta on ur blog... yoghurt is the way us aussies say it... get used to it... there are also other variations go to: put whateva u want... btw wht deal r u talking abt? there was no legit deal in the first place... get over urself... the war of the words has started... ;)
11:04 AM
vimal said...
"No legit deal in the first place" ???see...this is exactly what Iam talking about. Never trust a girl.They say 'yes', 'ok', 'deal' and everything, then they forget all of them."yoghurt is the way us aussies say it"We don't care ok. We Americans have it right always. You are either with us or against us. If you are against us, we are gonna come and kik your ass.That's what we do and we are damn good at that.So you guys better watch your back.And, by the way, do you ever sleep at night or you always awake? In that case you are well qualified for a call center job. hehehe.
11:48 AM
Preethi said...
ur an indian first and foremost... secondly... its common knowledge the world hates americans... americans are always starting wars... they always do everything opposite to the rest of the world... need i say any more???
9:03 PM
vimal said...
ur an indian first too. At least I was born in the second most developed city in Tamilnadu and the third largest city in Tamilnadu, the beautiful, surrounded by hills, the one and only, Coimbatore.And you coming from a small gramam, call yourself aussie.If everybody hates america, why does everyone want to come here. Duh!Do you know you can't get US visa interview in Chennai US consulate till january next year?Will you stop watching Hollywood movies :-)
9:13 PM
Preethi said...
1)yeah i know i am an indian first as well... did i ever say i wasn't????? 2) You made up that I come from a gramam, never did I actually tell you where in TN I am from... 3) You are generalising when saying everyone, the majority hate america and those that go there or want to go there are brain washed... 4)Another thing about America, they have Hollywood movies which are absolute trash and do not depict anything real, even about themselves... lol
9:21 PM
vimal said...
I know exactly which gramam you come from. Brain wash? Goddammit. I was supposed to take my car for a car wash last weekend.Hey, at least we have a movie industry, you guys don't even have that. Nicole Kidman and Russel Crowe , why did they come to Hollywood. Duh!
9:25 PM
Preethi said...
I am Indian, so I don't care about Nicole Kidman or Russell Crowe... And if I wanted to argue my point, I will just say they came to add some style and flare to Hollywood, how come they are two of the top??? think about tht...See car washing, would you do tht in india??? no, cos it wastes sooo much water, you would have a driver to wipe it every second with some sort of rag, so not one bit of water is wasted... hmmm, getting too full of urself, afterall u only call urself an american... and when prodded a lot you call urself an indian (where is the desi pride (in ur american terms...))... u dont knw which gramam i come from, cos i dont come from a gramam... so give it up!
9:30 PM
vimal said...
Isn't Paris Hilton No.1 in US???Honestly, I never use the word 'Desi'. I hate that word. It sucks, in my opinion.I call Indian. Never Desi.
9:39 PM
Preethi said...
lol, if she's No1, then i rest my case... trashy things are what US likes... i didn't say NIcole and Russell were No1 I said they were in the top few.. At last u say ur Indian... without being asked... phew... actually i guess its only because you dont like to use the word "desi"
9:48 PM
vimal said...
Hey...You have no right to talk about Paris Hilton.She is a super awesome Devathai.

And that's where the comment conversation ended, I decided to end it there and let him have the last word afterall it was his blog ;). Well actually it kinda linked to the comments posted in the next post on his blog, but for the sake of it we can say it ended there. Add in your comments to this, who do you side with? Just thought it would be funny to have this as a blog entry for myself and see what others thought about it. Also thought I would share it with you all as I found it hilarious while the argument was going on. Any clarifications just ask.

(It seemed to be a little like this, however with words & it did end at some point, thank goodness for that. But neverthless you guys can feel free to give life to it yet again ;))

Blogroll Me!


At 10:44 PM, Blogger Woodooz said...

Well, in the first place I think this is a trivial issue that has been blown out of propotion. Just don't understand how a simple conversation on veg / non-veg can take a different turn towards nationality, wars, coimbatore... etc.

Anyways, am a pure non vegetarian... So, I guess I shall continue to watch this space in case there are going to be more comments !

At 2:56 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

Your Comment's are like fight between DMK-ADMK.

Super argument Preethi

At 3:50 AM, Blogger vimal said...

"you decided to end it there and let him have the last word"???

Ms Preethi, why don't you speak the truth for a change? You want to give it a try?

You were out of ammunition and ran away from the battlefield. That's the truth.

And for those who are non-vegetarian and who wants to convert to vegetarian, a piece of word from me "DON'T" :(

It's not an easy thing folks.

At 6:24 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

jeevan: lol & thx! ;)

vimal: u said, "Hey...You have no right to talk about Paris Hilton.She is a super awesome Devathai." I left it there because I have no right to talk about it and it is entirely your own opinion and also you were cringing everytime I wrote a reply. So I decided to leave it at that. Furthermore if you want me to reply to that here it is: It's not just looks that count, how about the personality, behaviour etc...???? Also what kind of argument is that, its pretty weak if you ask me! :P

At 6:56 AM, Blogger vimal said...'s not just looks that count?

Yeah, may be you girls can explain why then the 'Global Sales of Cosmetics' was US $200 billion. I repeat US $200 BILLION in one year. This was in year 2003 alone. It should be more than that now.

Executive Summary of the Global Cosmetics & Toiletries market

At 7:07 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

here we go again... the global sales were that high because males look for looks, and to impress them cosmetics etc... are bought... also they are given as presents as they are something easy enuf to get and they are bought by guys and girls as presents... so those figures dont count for much in ur argument... :P.. It is a known fact that the girls go for personality and guys go for looks... both disguise each at the getting to know each other stage... guys pretend they are such sweethearts and girls use lots of make-up... generalisation i knw, but true in the majority of cases... also i dont use make-up unless its for some dance performance so i can say i don't fall into that statistic the way u think and i am sure its the same for many others... phew... man i'm tired, leave it vimal...we'll see what others say... no more from me for a lil while...

enuf i say vimal... ur not going to win... let someone else have their say...

At 7:17 AM, Blogger vimal said...

So you agree girls make-up to impress guys.
They fake themselves to get attention.

At 7:19 AM, Blogger vimal said...

You r the one tired, not me. You either accept defeat or fight.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

its true for some girls but not all... just be happy tht we are doing things for ur satisfaction... we only fake our looks, conceal a few imperfections, whereas you guys completely hide the truth, there is still much truth in the way we present ourselves whereas with guys its not the case... they disguise their whole personality and in the initial stages they are a completely different person to what they are once they know you better... those sorts of things lead to divorce, whereas who has ever heard of divorce because someone did not look the same without makeup...

i'm not one to do anything to impress anyone... but there are those out there that do... its late for me and early for you, i have every reason to be tired... just settle with a mutual settlement... is all i'm saying... its obvious already i have the upper hand... ;)

At 7:55 AM, Blogger vimal said...

I said "may be you girls can explain why then the 'Global Sales of Cosmetics' was US $200 billion."

I did not single out you. I wanted you to speak on behalf of girls ok.

ok ok seri vayasula periyavanga neenga. Poi thoongunga ;-)

At 8:35 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

i spoke for me and also girls in general... read carefully... even if i'm not elder by age, at least i'm by wisdom! :P Good night...

Live and let live!!!!

At 9:38 AM, Blogger Krish said...

The pic says it all ;)

have fun...

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Krish said...

Wish I knew which gramam/city u are from ;)

At 7:02 PM, Blogger Ganesh said...

MR.and Mrs. Smith pathamadari irukku indha conversation :)

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Random Access said...

haha...dint have time to go thru the entire fight, but I was reminded of "kudumi pidi sandai"... Anywayz, looks like another one brewing up this this blog as well..! But Paris Hilton...devadai..hmm, no comments :P And I was reminded of a 60+ old paati applying makeup today in the train...was staring at her the whole time..What intricate art, at an age fit to depart :P

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Jagan said...

ha ha ...shows how "vetti" you guys are ;-)

At 1:11 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

krish: hehehe, yeh i tht it was rather appropriate. why do you wish u knw wht "gramam" i came from???

ganesh: i haven't seen tht movie... hmmm i shall try to find out wht its abt...

random access: i guess the old lady still has someone to impress... lol... her boyfriend is probably waiting at the station for her... lol...

jagan: let me remind u, u read it all and commented... hehehe... whose the one thts vetti now... ;)all just a timepass i guess... :)

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Krish said...

just to u'stand abt vimal's arguement(gramam/city)..thats it :)

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Whoosh 2 said...

Besh Besh.. Romba Nanna Irundhudhu..


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