Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Loose ends tied!

Hey all,

Tis blog entry is to clarify my other blog entries and just expand on a couple of things. Starting from the:

The story that I wrote was for an assignment a couple of years back. It lead on from another story which explained what the guy had done. He had in fact been shooting and injured a deer (not killed it but injured). My expansion was just to show what may have happened afterwards. I will try to find the original but I think its thrown out. The last line of that story was the first line of mine.
The meaning behind it was that the person should not have meddled with any of nature's gifts. Since they did and for the first time (as it was an ammateur hunter on his maiden spree), I felt that the punishment was too harsh since all that he inflicted was pain on the deer and then he felt bad for it. He realised his crime and fled from the scene. Thats where the nature comes into play, giving him warnings to teach him his lesson. Just a small fright, hopefully to seize the habit.
Or you could see the not having a theme things as my way of keeping readers in suspense... Hehe annoying, huh?!?

I stick to my statement that absence does not make the heart grow fonder. I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments. It was great to see the different perspectives that people took on this one topic.
In response to Suganya and Random Access(sorry i dnt knw ur name):
Suganya I agree with you 100%! That is what I was trying to say. We do not realise the extent of the fondess that we have for one person. It is there within us subconsciously. Or else how would we be able to "realise" all of a sudden without anything instigating it? It cannot be merely the absence that is the cause. My argument was that it was the experiences that people share with each other previously. Like you said Suganya you now miss your mum, you miss the special things you had with each other, the experiences and the moments. If it weren't for those would you be missing her, just because she wasn't with you? It is almost like saying do you miss someone that you have nothing to do with, it is the experience from the interactions that create the fondness.
The seperation as Suganya had said makes us realise what we do not have anymore but neverthless, it is realising the preciousness of the experiences that create the new fondness.
As per Random Access' comments: Of course you feel like your feelings for a person fluctuate, depending on the relationship you have with them. When you said love is a feeling that grows no matter whether you are with them or what not, it kinda goes to show that the fondess is because you think about the person and anything special about them and any other experiences or what not. (Lol, very confused sentence) I am confusing myself too much now! I better stop writing now! If i realise what I am saying in response to Random Access I will post it in the comments.

I wrote the poem as a spur of the moment thing, the day I posted it. I had an image in mind when writing it. Does anyone know what my poem is referring to? My dad (suprisingly) was the only one in my family to understand what I was talking about. Just post in the comments what you think it is...
The picture is just there as I thought it was kinda suitable.

All the pictures on my blogs (apart from ones of Arya) are taken by either me or my family members. If at any stage I put pictures that I got from other sources I will state so! Vimal, hehe thx for the comments. It is taken at my aunt's place not mine. I love that bunch of flowers hence the many pictures of it! Btw do I know you Vimal? You sounds exactly like a couple of people I know. Hehe the possibilities.... The only thing from me thinking that I know you is that I do not know anyone by the name of Vimal...
Thx for all those who have posted comments and keep them coming! Please do keep visiting and thanks to all those who have blogrolled me! Cheers!

Blogroll Me!


At 6:30 AM, Blogger vimal said...

Oh come on!

How can you forget me ???

You must be kidding!

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Woodooz said...

Wow ! A blog post about your previous posts ? Thats innovation ;o)

Personally i feel absence does not necessarily make the heart grow fonder. Out of sight sometimes means out of mind. I have seen relationships fal out due to geographical dispersion. Its like the girl going to Au and ditching her good ol boy friend back in India :op

Thanks for dropping by.

At 4:15 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

Lol Vimal, more and more like some ppl i knw! haha..it cant be!

Somu, thx. Glad to see u agree... Who ditched their "good ol boy friend back in india"? :S...

*signing off pondering the possibilities"

At 4:27 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

thx avik. keep visiting!


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