Friday, September 09, 2005

I Still Know What I Did Last Summer

A story (entirely fiction, not based on any of my real life events or anyone i know) I wrote a couple of years ago... Just thought I would put it up as I'm trying to write an entry every day! So here it is... Leave ur comments as usual! The pic I thought made a little sense so I just added it in... hehehe...

I still know what I did last summer, I swear I do. I know what happened. It wasn’t me, I am innocent. I was just an innocent bystander. I promise I didn’t do anything else. Alright, who am I kidding? I did do it; I ate one of those delicious cream filled donuts with rich chocolate sauce on top. I just had one though. Well one per day, that is.

Why should I be worried? Everyone else had two or more. But everyone else is also thinner than me. On the other hand, it wasn’t my fault that I had one; 2my fiendish friends tempted me into having one. It’s all their fault. If I was left alone I wouldn’t have even gone near that Donut shop. I have to admit that it was a temptation island. 1Each time I looked at it from across the road it would pull me towards it.

1I escaped from its tight clutch until my friends took me to 2the Garden of Eden full of a wonderful and enchanting spread filled with wonderful aromas and flavours. The mere sight of it spurred up perennial saliva in my mouth. It was simply brilliant. Did I forget to mention that they were really cheap? They cost ten cents each.

But still it’s no use trying to make myself think that I could get away with what I did without making myself feel bad. After all I put on a whole kilo. I looked so fat. 3I looked as plump as a tomato. How could I ever forget that summer? I must admit it was good while it lasted though. Although when I looked in the mirror, I really regretted what I did. 1Every time I looked into the mirror it would seem as if it hollered out rude remarks about my form.

Ever since last summer, I went on a diet. All I ate was a carrot and a cucumber and then I used to make myself throw it up. I lost a lot of weight but I was never happy with the way I looked. 3I always thought that I was really overweight and looked like a blooming monkey. I would always wear really loose clothes so that no one could see how fat I was. I have to tell you, I really hated it.

All this lasted until this summer. I started getting really sick I was always having dizzy spells. My mum also started noticing how thin I had become and she asked me what was happening to me. I didn’t tell her the truth. She took me to the doctor and had me examined. He examined me and gave the harsh verdict that I was ‘Anorexic’!

My mum was so worried. She asked me what I had been doing. I told her that I had done nothing. But of course as all mums do she somehow finally convinced me to tell her. She was really furious. 3But it didn’t last long as she couldn’t bear to see me as thin as a mantle stick, with all the intravenous tubes entangled upon my body like the tentacles of an octopus. She just burst into tears beside my bed. Now this is when I felt really guilty.

I made my mum cry. The one that has taken care of me all my life. The one who has cared for me and loved me at all times especially when I needed it. The part that I really feel guilty about is that she is not even crying for any selfish reasons but only because she thinks that she hasn’t brought me up properly. How could I do this to her? My heart bleeds when I see her cry. I can’t stand it, especially since it’s me that made her cry. 2In life’s rollercoaster ride I felt I was heading towards a steep descent.

This is what made me change my mind. I decided to change my ways. I decided to eat properly and I decided to keep fit. I realised that my ‘diet’ wouldn’t do me any good. Another promise that I have made to myself is to try satisfy my mum in any way possible. From now on I will be a changed person I will try everything and do my best. I will eat anything I want to, but I will keep fit.

Most of all I have decided to spend more time with my mum. Go shopping with her or just even stay home and have a nice friendly chat. I realised my life’s priorities and topping the list is making sure my mum is happy. That is after I get out of the hospital. This summer is sure going to be a different one.

Blogroll Me!


At 4:46 AM, Blogger Harish said...

How did ur mom react to this story?

At 5:04 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

I hate it when girls think they have to be thin to look of the many wrong conceptions that conceptualise the life of a girl!

And worse still is the plight of a guy who gets to spend the life with this girl...

Girl: Do I look fat in this dress?

Honest Guy: Yeah, but I love u.
Business Guy: The dress looks gud
Smart Guy: -

Girl: So u think I do, How can u think like this, blah blah blah :((

Guy: (thinking..) OK, Evening screwed!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 7:42 AM, Blogger Ram said... ;)

I have blogrolled you :)

At 8:23 AM, Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

10 cents a donut is real neat :) dont blame u for falling for those donuts, also I speak for most guys when I say that we hate the anorexic variety of females (JLo scores over Kate Moss anyday) so basically eat to ur heart's (and stomach's) satisfaction and make sure u burn it off l8r

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Jinguchakka said...

Oh God! Another post on growing fat. lol. Anorexic? Did you describe bulemia too? I don't know for sure.

At 12:15 PM, Blogger Directhit said...

mm being fat or not being one aint as important as spending ur life happy :-) giving happiness and satisfaction to ur parents..... guess i have put on abt 4-5 kgs in last 3 weeks eating all cheese pdts ;-)

At 5:10 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

My heart bleeds when I see her cry. it touched my heart.

when parents tell something there will be a reson.

your post is nice

At 7:57 AM, Blogger Jagan said...

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At 7:58 AM, Blogger Jagan said...

to the girl who put on more weight - dont worry abt the weight ..its just tht theres more of u to love .

(not my original dialogue ) :-)

At 8:19 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

harish: its not my real life story... just a story she wrote... and i'm not sure if she read it...

RA: lol... smart guy: wld've said u look lovely in tht dress instead of nothing... tht wld've got him in more trouble...

Ram: k... hahaha, hehehe, lol, ROTFL and all tht rite.. ;)

Rohan Kumar: hehehe, as i said it was a very long time ago tht i wrote it... the prices must've gone up bye now.. or it cld've just been a random number.. or a typo... lol..

jinguchakka: ones enuf don't u think... its anorexia...

anoop s: too true... live life to the max. thts my policy... ;)

jeevan: thx for ur heartfelt comments... sometimes things blind us and we loose all sense of whats right or wrong and its usually our parents we take it out on..

jagan: ah ha... ur well prepared... good one...

At 2:55 AM, Blogger Priya said...

@jagan - originalla think pannu da.. like me :D

hey preethz.. im on the other extreme.. i cant put on weight.. watever i do.. :( naanum kandathaiyyum thinnu paathitten.. onnum velaikku aagala!


At 7:31 AM, Blogger Siddharth said...

interesting story..i almost forgot in the middle that u had stated it was fictitious!


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