Thursday, June 30, 2005

One Liner

"Ignorance is bliss, but how about being ignored?"

Blogroll Me!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Loose ends tied!

Hey all,

Tis blog entry is to clarify my other blog entries and just expand on a couple of things. Starting from the:

The story that I wrote was for an assignment a couple of years back. It lead on from another story which explained what the guy had done. He had in fact been shooting and injured a deer (not killed it but injured). My expansion was just to show what may have happened afterwards. I will try to find the original but I think its thrown out. The last line of that story was the first line of mine.
The meaning behind it was that the person should not have meddled with any of nature's gifts. Since they did and for the first time (as it was an ammateur hunter on his maiden spree), I felt that the punishment was too harsh since all that he inflicted was pain on the deer and then he felt bad for it. He realised his crime and fled from the scene. Thats where the nature comes into play, giving him warnings to teach him his lesson. Just a small fright, hopefully to seize the habit.
Or you could see the not having a theme things as my way of keeping readers in suspense... Hehe annoying, huh?!?

I stick to my statement that absence does not make the heart grow fonder. I really enjoyed reading everyone's comments. It was great to see the different perspectives that people took on this one topic.
In response to Suganya and Random Access(sorry i dnt knw ur name):
Suganya I agree with you 100%! That is what I was trying to say. We do not realise the extent of the fondess that we have for one person. It is there within us subconsciously. Or else how would we be able to "realise" all of a sudden without anything instigating it? It cannot be merely the absence that is the cause. My argument was that it was the experiences that people share with each other previously. Like you said Suganya you now miss your mum, you miss the special things you had with each other, the experiences and the moments. If it weren't for those would you be missing her, just because she wasn't with you? It is almost like saying do you miss someone that you have nothing to do with, it is the experience from the interactions that create the fondness.
The seperation as Suganya had said makes us realise what we do not have anymore but neverthless, it is realising the preciousness of the experiences that create the new fondness.
As per Random Access' comments: Of course you feel like your feelings for a person fluctuate, depending on the relationship you have with them. When you said love is a feeling that grows no matter whether you are with them or what not, it kinda goes to show that the fondess is because you think about the person and anything special about them and any other experiences or what not. (Lol, very confused sentence) I am confusing myself too much now! I better stop writing now! If i realise what I am saying in response to Random Access I will post it in the comments.

I wrote the poem as a spur of the moment thing, the day I posted it. I had an image in mind when writing it. Does anyone know what my poem is referring to? My dad (suprisingly) was the only one in my family to understand what I was talking about. Just post in the comments what you think it is...
The picture is just there as I thought it was kinda suitable.

All the pictures on my blogs (apart from ones of Arya) are taken by either me or my family members. If at any stage I put pictures that I got from other sources I will state so! Vimal, hehe thx for the comments. It is taken at my aunt's place not mine. I love that bunch of flowers hence the many pictures of it! Btw do I know you Vimal? You sounds exactly like a couple of people I know. Hehe the possibilities.... The only thing from me thinking that I know you is that I do not know anyone by the name of Vimal...
Thx for all those who have posted comments and keep them coming! Please do keep visiting and thanks to all those who have blogrolled me! Cheers!

Blogroll Me!

Quote of the Day!

"A flower as a gift lasts a few days,
the memories of the gift last a lifetime!"

Blogroll Me!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

What is it?

There it lay,
glistening like a diamond,
light reflecting off it,
projecting all the colours of the rainbow.

Its life short-lived,
plummeting down,
maintaining its uniqueness,
needing to convey a message.

Falling silently,
shattering into thousands of pieces,
making its mark,
saying what is, is not what it seems.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder?!?!?!?!

'Ello to all,

This is a statement that is well known by all! However I have to say that I completely disagree with the statement. I see minimal truth in it. Before I put forward my argument I would just like to remind you all, I am ready to be persuaded otherwise, this is just something that has bothered me for a while and only my views on it.

I have found that absence does not necessarily make the heart grow fonder. Doesn't it make you think about that less? For me for example say that I become good friends with someone... While I am good friends with them and see them a lot I am very fond of them and our friendship becomes closer.

My friend I made last year, we became extremely close within a very short period. It was like we were inseperable. Then I went for a holiday during the summer break.Not once did I ever think that as I have not seen her for a long time, I really really miss her. Of course I did miss her. But I felt closer and hence fonder of her when I saw her more often.

I thinking seeing someone more often is the only way of becoming closer, in other words growing fonder of them. This year this has become more and more apparent. With new friendship forming and others drifting, this has been the common trend. The more I saw of a person, the more I got to know them the fonder I grew of them. In the case of some people when I had not seen them for a while I was even wondering how I became such close friends with them. It had the completely adverse effect as the statement mentioned above.

Furthermore, I do not see this statement being applicable in any case whatsoever. Exams as an example. Do you ever feel that you have not had exams for a while and you want to have them? I think not. If you do... ummm... you are definitely one of a kind! Hats off!

Even with going somewhere which provided an extremely enjoyable experience... Absence does not make the heart grow fonder. Of course you think of the times that you had there and wish that you could go there once again... But do you think that you become fonder of that place just because you are away from it? Of course not, it is the memories and the experience of the place that you had whilst you were there that makes it special and makes you grow fond of it.

For me the case even with my closest friends, if I am away from them, no doubt I think about them. I do not become any closer to them or grow fonder of them because I am away. I remember the memories and am content with that. When I see them after a long break or what not I am extremely happy, not because my heart grew fonder during the absence but because I get to be with them once again and share new experiences with them and grow fonder... whilst no longer being absent. Also other distractions were there to make me forget the absence... So whilst the absence was apparent there were ways of not really realising it, suggesting that it does not necessarily make heart grow fonder. Did tht make sense????

When it comes to the "passing away" of a loved one, it is not necessarily the case where absence makes the heart grow fonder. Of course absence can make you remember and wish to have the person back. But at the same time, as the time goes by the wounds heal... If not completely at least partially. The time where you face most trauma from their absence is after it has occured immediately. It takes time for people to get over the shock and the loss. Also once again it is not the absence that makes the heart fonder of that person it is the experience that you have shared with that person.

Finally after all my ranting and raving... I would just like to say... I do not think it is absence that makes the heart grow fonder... It is more the experiences and the growing of the times in which you, experience the experiences, that makes the heart grow fonder. So why is the statement, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" still there? Or is it just me that feels this way about it?

LOL.... Sorry if the writing was not coherent. Do not mind any mistakes or errors. It is my views just "plonked" onto the keyboard and then onto the screen by this wonderous technololgy!

Blogroll Me!

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Nature's nature.

The rider could see his destination now down in the valley. On the run, he rode harder and harder. Someone has spotted and recognised him. The gates of the heavily deafened and walled farm yard swung open slowly. In front of him there was a myriad of images. They were all scowling at him. He did not know what was happening. Suddenly he fell of his horse and crashed into the ground with a tremendous thud.

He lay their looking at the sky with unsuspecting eyes. The skies around him suddenly darkened. All of a sudden he heard a thunderous roar. It was as if there was a stampede headed right for him. Fear gripped him. As he lay there in silence listening to everything happening around him he saw it. There it was the humungous hands of lightening were reaching towards him, each time getting closer and closer.

That is when he realised that he should have never done that. The universe was now taking its toll. He just knew it, it wanted to grab him and hurl him millions of light years away. He lay on the ground, his heart screaming with fear; he closed his eyes and silently begged for mercy.

That’s when he saw it. There was a narrow beam of light shining through the pitch black skies. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. He knew that if he was given a second chance he could do it and do it correctly. That’s when the skies opened up and he felt a warm sensation grow within his heart. Never again did he meddle with nature's gifts.

Short story, written a couple of yrs ago... Felt like adding something so I did... Plz give feedback... Some ppl didn't understand the meaning behind this... So let me knw all ur interpretations... I think it is pretty self explanatory...

Blogroll Me!

p.s Got the picture working. But it took many steps... I think there should be a much easier way... Also it got pixelated :(! Doesn't compliment its beauty... Oh well...

Friday, June 24, 2005

Arya Pic

Asin, Arya, Pooja, Laila & Shaam in Ullam Ketkumae

Navdeep and Arya (one with the necklace) in AA.



As the title says... This Blog is about the upcoming actor Arya!

Actor Arya has acted and in films "Ullam Ketkume,' and 'Arindhum Ariyamalum,' and is now working on 'Oru Kallooriyin Kadhai,' and next he is to act in 'Kalaabakaadalan.'

Well really I do not have a lot to say about him. Because I do not know him! :(

Although I can say I have seen him in India at a restaurant. I didn't speak to him or anything because I didn't know who he was at that stage. The reason I knew that who we had seen was Arya is because he looked like a model or some familiar face and he was very luckily in the background of one of our pics as he was sitting in the table right behind us! :)

I think he is a software engineer, turned model, turned actor. Of what I saw in Arindhadum Ariyamalum in the trailors he is a great dancer. I watched Ullam Ketkumae and ummm... he dances but all the dancing in that movie is pretty crazy so no comments there! As a slight aside I like the movie Ullam Ketkumae, a very jolly light-hearted film. Made me wish that I was studying in India, no cultural activities between colleges or anything here! :( The songs in it are very lovable as well, as with the songs in AA!

Help me ppl! The picture thing is not working through this! I have to use the picasa thing. I do not know how to use that either! :S! Can someone help me out! Thx in advance!

Blogroll Me!

Day 2!

Hey again,

Second day! Today has been a very eventful yet un-eventful day.

Highlight of the day: In the sense the most unusual thing that happened... I had added someone to my msn who I thought was one of my friends. I turned out it was not. Hmmm... and boy was the conversation intersting... That person was the oddest person I have ever EVER talked to! They did not knw anything tht common ppl knw... They had random questions that I have never been asked before...
After saying all this though it was an intersting conversation... Entertaining in fact. I do not think that both of us understood what each of us was saying.. We were both speaking in English though... Anyway that is that...

Yesterday was by far the best day over the past few weeks.. I talked to someone that I admire dearly... They agreed to what I have proposed to them....:D... All under-wraps atm thats why it sounds like I am speaking in code... When details become finalised I will most probably write about it in my blogs so keep watching!
Second thing yesterday... LOL... I mistook someone for someone again! Don't ask me how I do it... That was on yahoo though... That was a great conversation... Although I think that I gave that person a bit too much information about me... :S... I don't know how wise that was... I know though that person is pretty trust-worthy... Hehehe I didn't know who that person was but at the same time I did know... ;)... Make any sense to you all? Makes sense to me...

These days I find that I have really become stron-willed in a way in which is probably not good for me... lol... What i mean is that when it comes to things that I should be doing, I think that I should be strong-willed and do that thing (e.g Study for exams)... However I decide to try reverse psychology on myself and then do not study and decide to be Strong-willed in not being dissapointed that I did not study... Hehehe... I hope tht made sense to you all...

Before signing off on this blog entry of mine.. What do you all think about new actor Arya??? He seems great in the trailors I have not seen any of his movies... Have any of you? Let me knw!

*Byezzz for now... Listening to some of my fav songs (from Tamil movies) falling fast asleep*

Note for Chinmayi: Enna Ithu from Nala Damayanthi has been a fav of mine for soo long, I listen to it every night before heading to bed! Great work there!

Blogroll Me!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Just a deco!  Posted by Hello

First Ever!

Hey whoever is reading this,

My name is Preethi. I live in Australia.. I am pure veg.. As Indian as can be... Read the rest to find out more...

I really don't know what to write. I am new to this whole blogging thing. I checked out a couple of blogs from others and decided to create one myself! Now that I have done that I am speechless or worldless so to speak! Nothing to say... Can anyone help me as to what is the purpose of these blogs and what inspired you all to start one? I want to get into this fast paced blogging world!

Alrite since I have to write something I will write a little about my interests.

I am most fond of:
Anything fun basically
Playing sport... not really into watching sport (but for cricket)

I love tamil movies. Always wanted to get into the field without commitments... hmm how thts possible I do not knw. So i have now given that up.
Wanted to become a classical dancer... But that's going to have to wait... If it ever happens that is... A famous classical dancer that is...
Singing... Working on improving my voice...
Acting... Just in local plays and all... Nothing at a large scale... Use to perform in high school...
Sports... Used to be a sport-a-holic... Now just into Tennis, volleyball and cricket...
Dancing... Thank goodness haven't given this up.. GOing strong... Performances... Classical, modern & folk... and whateva other type I make up in my choreo... lol.
Study... wanted to study law... decided it's too common... wanted to study psychology, mum persuaded me not to
Photography... Persuing it... Taking pics of scenary and all odds and sodds... Carrying camera arnd everywhere so I dont miss those precious moments... although... somehow... i manage to forget my camera or the battery runs out... when these precious moments occur... A cpl are still there to last me a lifetime tho..
Socialising... I am the biggest socialite ever... always looking for opportunities to meet new ppl and to socialise... love meeting ppl i admire..

Lol... wats made me give up so many things u ask... Its called UNIVERSITY! Too many commitments outside and inside of it... TOo much work... Virtually doing a three degree program... Business... Accounting... Information Technology... Way to time consuming... Exams are next week and I am sitting here writing this to get away from studying... LOL!

Ok i thinks thats more than enough from me... Did i forget to mention that I talk a lot? ;)! Take care everyone!