Tuesday, September 13, 2005


That says BlogStop at the top not BlogSpot...The reason for this is because as of tomorrow I am on holidays for in-between terms... This inevitably means an extremely hectic schedule of socialising and unfortunately some uni work as well... I forgot to mention it also means a holiday (trip)... Meeting relatives and my cute little cousins... Don't think I've forgotten AR Concert! :D

Due to all this momentary excitement in my life, I may post spiratically or I may not post at all... Those of you who I talk to, write e-mails, scraps etc... if you wanna keep in touch (u better all very well keep in touch :P)... I will try to make a couple of posts here and there, but definitely do not expects the frequency they have been at in the last couple of weeks (Thank you very much, I have been posting consistantly everyday but for weekends *Round of applause*)...

Just to make this a little interesting I thought I would write a couple of personalised comments to a couple of people... If you are for some reason not one of them... Complain and I will add a comment for you as well.. Whoever that "you" might be... No hard feelings if I left "you" out... Because by reading this even "you" are covered... But just holler if you want a special comment/mention in this post... So here goes...

Priya: Keep me updated about our gang... ;) For those of you who don't know about the gang check out Priya's latest post. Any ideas I'll post them to you straight away...

Jagan: Scrap & test. ok???? Dialogue won't work now... :P No matter whatever "thing"s you say... :P
< align="justify">
Ram: Keep "preaching" ;) Don't overdo it... You might become too much of a chaamathu paiyya...

Vimal: After I get back VJ and I would have solved the mystery for sure... :p

Jeevan: Hope you check your mail... One of your new found friends a.k.a me, will be writing one...

RA: By the time I get back I expect you to be all good and happy with the word verification system... Its a goal I am setting for you... ok??? Also on behalf of Vimal: What are you searching for and when will the search end??? Its been a fair while already... hehehe

Vinesh: Keep the orange juice pouring... btw why orange juice??? I have been wondering for a while...

Kartik: I'll tell you about the concert after going to it and let you know that AR still has his charm.... :)

Rajesh: Where have you been? Missing from action for a fair while.. Whats up... Just my sis and I are going away, parents are still here...

Ok now I'm running out of time... Gotta run to uni... I'll keep adding people as per requests... Also I may change the comments as well, depending on whether I think of something that I should have written... So bye for now... Although keep watching the space for updates... You never know when it will hit ya! Also be tuned in for a review of the AR Concert thats surely to come... But when is the questions... All this gala holidaying etc... ends in 2 weeks... So after that its all back to routine...

Blogroll Me!


At 8:10 PM, Blogger Jagan said...

Didn't get the "code words" you have written for me ...:-P

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Random Access said...

Have fun n ensoy! Lemme know if u drop by Singapore in ur "trip". And juz to demystify my signature, The search has just begun...for anything n everything. I guess life is an eternal search process where u donno wht u want, breaking ur head for not getting wht u want, but getting to know quite a few stuff along the way. And there is no end...esp if u r a saggi ;)

hmm, and interesting...My word verification for this post says wtfwv - WTF Word Verification !!!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Harish said...

Seems u r gonna have endless fun Madam..

At 12:05 AM, Blogger Ram said...

Whoa! I am tired man...just got back from a marathon preaching session! Hey and just in case you were curious, today's topic was how life's problems can be solved with a bottle! :P

At 4:19 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

Preethi, have a good holiday and come back with a new post. i will check my mail. take care.

At 8:08 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

jagan: "code" puriyatha mathiri nadikarraya??? irru onna apporamma vechikirraen..
RA: Within Aus the whole time.. But a trip nonethless... I c... makes sense.. Vimal shld read this..
Harish: hope so... no madam etc... necessary preethi is fine... please...
Ram: i c... interesting topic... must've been a tough long preaching session.. ;)
jeevan: thx... will do surely.. tc as well!

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Kartik said...

waiting to hear from u. By chumma playing the same old hits again and again, he gets the crowd which is not wrong. I agree he has produced some marvellous stuff but that was then. Now..chance ehh illai.

Enjoy ur trip.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger Priya said...

hehe.. will keep u updated onthe proceedings!! :)
blogrolled u girl! :)


At 3:01 PM, Blogger Directhit said...

hey looks liek Rahman/Shankar movie discussions are going on there ... jus eavesdrop into their conversation and upload into ur blog .... :-)

At 5:21 PM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

indianwarrior: checked it out and commented... good stuff!

kartik: hmmm, we'll see... I like some of the songs in Ah Aah and Mangal Pandey... Also, nothing is eternal... But Rahman has not quiet lost the touch yet!

Priya: Thx girl... Have fun... Rock on!

Anoop S: Hehehe, will see what I can snoop out... If nothing I will make up something... ;) :P

TOday is the eve of the concert... Cannot wait! Review coming shortly... Perhaps within the next week and expect it to be very very detailed... :)TC Y'll

At 1:00 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

Hey dun forget to take some snaps with ur hp ;)

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 3:51 AM, Blogger Vinesh said...

Hey Preethi,
Have a great vacation! :-)

Why Orange Juice for my blog title? Well, you must have read Chicken Soup for the Soul? It's modelled after that.

Orange is my favourite colour. If you write "Orange" on a piece of paper and give it to me, I will treasure it :-)

Hence orange juice for the soul. A light, sometimes tangy drink for my readers.. :-)

At 4:25 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

Preethi what are you studing in Australia?

At 1:12 PM, Blogger Ram said...

Well, while you are on vacation...the awards seem to be flowing in for me :P
Dont forget the pics!

At 4:14 PM, Blogger VJ said...

Preethi - Have a great vaca! AR Rahman concert eh...good for ya! Enjoy the show and have great fun during the vacation! Lets resume the detective work on Vimal once you are back...

At 6:19 PM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

RA: take snaps.. tht i did! HP??? Meaning High Profile.. ;)

Vinesh:THx, When's ur birthday, I'll make sure it's a very exciting pressie... ;)

Jeevan: I'm studying my UG IT and Acctg..

Ram: Awards u say... hmmmm... We'll see about that... :P

VJ: THx, will make sure I have lots of fun... ;) You see wht bfd work u can do for the time being... ;)


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