Monday, September 12, 2005

(no number)

(no number)... International numbers or calls from calling cards come up with this display on my phone...

I hate this soo much... You never know who is calling and its not always the usuals which call it may be someone different. There's usually someone that calls often but only after a certain time, so in no way could it have been that person who called...

Another possibility is a person that said they will call, but they never do... And also they said they will call if certain conditions were met, and as they are not at this point in time it cannot be them either... So who is it that called???? I hate such mysteries... Just some stupid people pranking, or what if it was someone really important???? Will they call again???? Hmm frustration...

The possibilities are endless yet at the same time they are limited. Only a handful of people overseas know my number and no one from within Australia would be calling me from a calling card. So who could it be... That person better call again or I am going to go insane... Not really but it drives me up the wall to have missed such calls and not having the person call back...

I previously used to get these calls from a Private Number which means it is within Australia, but the number has been made private... They somehow used to call every time I was out with my friends... I don't know how... Also the voice sounded really familiar but I couldn't quiet pick it... But I was sure they knew me... So there you go there's my life filled with mystery... Or at least a little mystery...

Whoever the (no number) is you better surrender now... Or else... :S I dunno... There's not much I can do, I don't know who they are... Also another question if you call someone why do people only call once, especially if it is a no number... Can they not call back??? If you really wanted to get in touch with someone wouldn't you call more than once to ensure you were able to talk to them??? Grrr....... Sooo frustrated...

Hehehe... I know I'm making an issue out of nothing... But its rather frustrating for me... Especially since this or similar things happen a lot... (Msgs from unknown people, who claim to know me or sent the message to me by accident... , (no number) & Private Number calls at all times of the day (regardless of the time), etc... etc... [there's more but I'd rather not going into it all])

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At 10:37 PM, Blogger Jagan said...

super polambals ...neways ..dont break ur head on who called u .It must have been a mistake .. u think someone will waste his/her time/money calling u ;-)

At 1:51 AM, Blogger Woodooz said...

For me the display wud say PRIVATE NUMBER... If U miss the call, U miss it. If its anything important, the caller would call back. so why break your head... Chill !

At 2:39 AM, Blogger Prakash said...

I might be silly but if i get a miss call from a no number in the night...specially early mornings....i will call my parents back( Sri lanka)
if not my parents i would not worry as somu said if they desperate they will call u back
Nice one


At 3:19 AM, Blogger Jeevan said...

I have no words to comment, because i dint have a cell and i had not called anyone in my life. :)

At 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like this happens all over the middle east too i face the same problem !!

At 5:43 AM, Blogger Random Access said...

haha..u shud pay $5 to get something called Caller ID :P Atleast in this part of the world, it sure comes with the number, even if its an overseas call. Probably u shud consider 50 donuts before u make a decision, but I aint so lucky :((

PS: The word verification sure makes me go more grrrrrr than a missed call :P And nowadays, its like 10 letters long...gawwwwd !!!

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

At 5:50 AM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

jagan: po da po...:p... hehehe... no the thing is they didn't hang up rang for ages and then they hung up... i'm just wondering if its one of my very close frnds who never calls... hence the frustration and angst u cld say...
somu: these things get on my nerves... i like to know who calls etc... and never like to miss calls... etc...
prakash: yeh i get ya... i'm always bothered... especially since it happens a lot...
jeevan: don't worry you soon will... new wheel chair... new friends... it will all change...
RA: i have caller id... it was on my mobile... so u c... int calls don't appear with a no tho... hehehe word verification and caller verification... technology these days.. ;)

At 7:00 AM, Blogger vimal said...

So I have the right number. Good.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Directhit said...

yup then there is this voice mail stuff..... u can find most times ppl leaving a loooooooooong blank message as though they were expecting the person to jump out of the fone after they heard the beep ;-) it makes me crazy to see 5 new messages and all of em being "..................... ....."

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Priya said...

( no number ) wenever i see tht on my phone i get major thrilled.. coz i know ts "HIM" calling me across the 7 seas! :) ore the loves! :D

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Krish said...

I have been thru this problem in a different way too and would wonder who called but I figured if they were that desperate to get in touch with me they would find other ways and so I stopped the worrying :-)

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Rohan Kumar said...

think of it as one of life's lil mysteries and enjoy it while it lasts :)

At 6:10 PM, Blogger PreethZzZ The Original said...

vimal: hahaha, u wish!

anoop s: yeh, why can't people just leave messages...

priya: hmmm... loves... yaaru paiyaan??

thennavan: true... but its like what are the possibilities... who did i miss out getting the call from... is the way i see it...

rohan kumar: hehehe, will def. treat it as that...


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